I think I'm catching your drift, but could announcements that are 
peripheral to VNC have a short description as to what the software does?  I 
may have missed it, but this is the first time I've seen this mentioned on 
the list. What exactly does it do?


j----- k-----

At 01:58 Wednesday 2001-10-03 +0200, you allegedly said:
>-region code added to driver (update rect are reduced from 800->40)
>(vncdrv.dll changed)
>-removed unneeded updates from hookdll (VNCHooks.dll changed)
>-polled at nitive speed, nomore timeout needed (WinVNC.exe changed)
>+Region code used from the rdp2vnc project sraRegion
>Because the traffic is reduced  to 10 %  between driver and winvnc,
>lower cpu and full speed updates.

Joshua J. Kugler
Fairbanks, Alaska
Computer Consultant--Web Developer
.--- --- ... .... ..- .-    -.- ..- --. .-.. . .-.
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and 
under the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!
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