password prompts on Forward/Back
I have several active vncservers running under Solaris8.
Each has its own local .vnc information for passwd/logs under ~/v[1..9] directories.

Using Back and Forward on ie 5.5 on my PC, I recall this seemed to switch between
sessions OK when I started them yesterday.

Today, that ability seems to have gone away and password needs to be
set every time I change browse depth.

Did I just imagine the no password-prompt behaviour ?

Clearly I will have to stick to separate browser instances :-{


secondly, and more interestingly, I just tried downloading/install ie5 for 

system  z1 has all vnc set up and working and running 4 vncservers (OK when viewed on 
PC with HTTP)
system  z2 has identical OS set-up to z1 netscape 4.7 was default browser
{I just set up vnc in all the recommended places on z2 to match z1 and it's probably 
OK and that's irrelevant}
...however, on system z2 I just installed ie5 for solaris-sparc

netscape 4.7 from z2 picks up z1:5803 and does the VNC password prompt so that looks 

ie5 from z2 FINDS z1:5803 OK but throws an "Error Locating Object Handler" fit
and suggests I download a viewer from

[I did download j2rel_3_1_01 and installed it under root for want of anywhere else]

Presumably the problem is something to do with associating vncview.class/jar with an  
app helper
on system z2 (please correct any inaccurate terminology there for me).

If I've understood vncviewer.jar correctly, this is HTTP-fetched from system z1 and 
part is probably OK.

The bottom line is:
     how come (untrained) Netscape knows how to handle this but untrained ie5 doesn't.

What's the fix please?


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