Will AT&T implement that "mode" ( like mentioned here
the "1" or some other switch to activate it) because I
do want to use it for support but when nobody is there
I still need to work on some things on the machines.
Anyone knows if this will happen?
A little off topic - someone told me that creating a
differnt registry key for Administrator(s) would allow
to take over the machine without displaying a pop up
box asking for auth. I haven't madeit work, so I dont
--- James ''Wez'' Weatherall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes. Some people have company policies that
> require them to notify users
> > before taking over their machines. Popping up a
> dialog box takes care of
> > that, but in some cases you want the connection to
> go through if there's
> no
> > one there to bother -- if it's intended more as a
> matter of courtesy than
> of
> > security.
> That makes sense. Personally, I'd rather implement
> it as a separate "!"
> option, which would pop up the dialog but default to
> accept, and warn the
> user that they need to explicitly reject if they
> want.
> Cheers,
> ---
> James "Wez" Weatherall
> "The path to enlightenment is
> /usr/bin/enlightenment"
> Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge
> - Tel : 766513
> AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK
> - Tel : 343000
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