I have seen the email archives, please hear me out to
see if anyone has an opinion or idea.
I have VNC r9 running on Win2K - NT4 and 98
Win2K and NT4 respond well to shut down and/or
restart, they do not freeze.  The machines with win98
freeze.  I have found that (if I have internet access
on them I load an additional software firewall -Zone
Labs Zone Alarm) when they have the ZoneLabs Zone
Alarm firewall - they encounter an error trying to
shut down the "tray Icon" and the "wait-end
task-cancel" dialog box appears.  I do log on again
after a few seconds and the box is there - I choose
"end task" and it finally closes and it either shuts
down or restart the machine depending on the command. 
All in a LAN.  Is it native to VNC that is something
which will be fixed on the next release? or is anyone
familiar with Zone Alarm, which may create a conflict
with the VNC tray icon?  The machine which do not have
the firewall (because they do not have net access) do
not show this problem.

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to
readd this long message and for any input.


Carlos Alfaro

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