Further test refinement:

Server: Mandrake 8 running Win4lin Server (windows98)
* each linux account running win4lin and VNC in linux
* each individual Win98 account running VNC in windows

Client: Windows NT4, and above Server running win98 or
linux vncviewer


when Winnt client connects to linux vncserver:
-caps lock and keypad work fine within linux
-video refresh rate for many programs (such as
wordperfect) unacceptable for daily use. It gets very
confusing to have refreshed streaks following the
mouse updated while the older un-refreshed screen lays

-caps lock can only be activated by ctrl + shift +
capslock within win98
-keypad will not work within win98
-lots of instability and random crashes on basic
functions such as trying to open a printer (even just
to open properties on a printer) when working within
-video refresh rate and general performance very fast
and usable if above issues resolved.

When running vncviewer from within linux on the host
server to same accounts on the linux server as above:
-caps lock works fine in both linux and windows
-keypad works within linux but not within windows
-did not run into same instability issues

when run win4lin (windows98) directly on linux server
without vnc:
-caps lock works fine
-keypad works fine
-no unusual instability issues

My personal feeling is that having to do the shift +
ctrl + capslock to force the caps lock to work may
also be at the heart of some of the instability
issues...but that is just a guess. 

If these issues can be resolved then running windows98
(win4lin server edition) through a linux host for
multiple clients through vnc could be a very sexy and
inexpensive alternative to such things as a citrix

--- SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am running vncservers from Mandrake 8 (linux 2.4
> kernel) I am also running windows98 from within
> Linux
> using win4lin server edition. I then have the remote
> clients vnc into linux...and then run their windows
> from there. This gives a huge speed increase than
> doing wondows to windows vnc.
> However, I cannot get linux or windows clients
> keypads
> to work within win4lin windows when run through vnc.
> They work fine if brought up without vnc. Caps lock
> is
> also weird in that I have to do CTRL + Shift + Caps
> Lock to get it to work.
> Any ideas?
> =====
> SI Reasoning
> gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC
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SI Reasoning
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