Hi, Dixie.

> this is a question for anyone who has suuccessfully setup and run VNC
> through an encrypted tunnel.  i have looked into Zebede, OpenSSH for Win32,
> and Tunnelier... all with minimal success... mostly because of a lack of
> good documentation.  while Zebede looked very promising (as the authors
> wrote it practically FOR vnc purposes) the documentation had only "follow
> this example to get it working" style directions.  

A good point to start with  is http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/sshvnc.html
which deals with tunneling VNC over SSH.

> my situaion is unique and
> i would like more details on it functinality.

If the above link does not help, you could post here a detailed
description of your unique situation and we can try to help you.

> Tunnelier looked REMARKABLE - but has absolutely NO documentation.  if
> anyone can get that product working i would LOVE to see an online help or
> walkthrough of its features.

Please post the link for Tunnelier, if possible.


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