Is the server on a win9x machine? An NT box? A linux box?
Basically, once you log in to the server you have the same priviledges
as a local user.
On a win 9x box, there is no real concept of security or even of
separate users, so you cannot deny access.
On an NT/W2K box, I guess you could set up a user for vnc - but keep in
mind that vnc gives you access to the graphical screen displayed, so
unless the restricted user is also logged in (and thus has no access to
the files either) you can't do what you want.
On a linux (or any *nix) box, you can run vncserver as any arbitrary
user. You can then give that user specific priviledges and deny access
to any system resources.
BIG DISCLAIMER: vnc was never meant to do what you want to do. vnc
gives access to a graphical screen remotely. What is displayed on that
screen depends solely on the underlying OS and the access of the user
that vncserver is running as. There are no provisions to limit the
actions of a user in vnc. In fact, it is IMPOSSIBLE for vnc to know
what is being displayed. vnc only deals with pixels; it can't know if
that pixel goes to make up a pornographic picture or a piece of your PhD
<soapbox mode>
If you are concerned about privacy for whatever reason, you should dump
windows altogether, use *nix, and secure the system using good firewall
rules, tcpwrappers, and restrictive user permissions.
(soapbox mode off>
Vimal wrote:
> Hi,
> Can we configure the vnc server so that vnc viewer can not access
> particular files or folders on the server.
> I have some image files on the server which I don't want from being
> viewed by vnc viewer.
> thanks,
> vimal
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