Why it work for a while and then start to do this? Is that part of the known
problem? If I restart the session it goes back to normal for an unknown
period of time.
I guess I could try and use xmodmap, but it seems like it could have the
same problem. Work for a while and then do the same thing.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Bourdin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: Garbage
> James Pifer wrote:
> >
> > I'm using VNC Viewer or IE on Windows 2000 to connect to a Redhat Linux
> > machine. Within the session when I try and type the letters are all
> > up. For example, hitting the keys asdfghjkl;' gives abfhjk;'io. Oh yeah,
> > this happens in whatever windows in the session I type in, xterm and
> others.
> >
> This is a known problem with VNC.
> It should be possible to configure your Xvnc by using xmodmap and xev.
> xev should help you to see why your keyboard is not working properly,
> and xmodmap should be used to configure your Xvnc.
> More info: man xev, man xmodmap
> good luck
> --
> Eric Bourdin
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