Edric Bulalacao wrote:
> I finally got VNC server running thru inetd on Solaris 7 thanks to Eric
> Bourdin!  Anyway, I'd like to be able to run it as user nobody instead of
> root.  I've put the following lines on my inetd.conf:
> vnc-640x480x8   stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/local/vnc/Xvnc-50 Xvnc
> vnc-800x600x8   stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/local/vnc/Xvnc-51 Xvnc
> vnc-800x600x16  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/local/vnc/Xvnc-52 Xvnc
> This doesn't seem to work.  If I replace nobody with root, then it works.
> Is there anything else I'm missing?
> Also, how do I get the java version to run thru inetd?  According to Andre
> Moreira's doc, "To support the Java client, just serve the applet from a
> standard httpd (must be on the same machine as Xvnc) directed to the
> appropriate host/port".  Can someone explain this to me?  I've got Apache
> and Tomcat running on my server as well.  Thanks.

1. User nobody

The easiest way to see what's the problem with user nobody is to give a
shell to nobody, to su to nobody and try to run
'/usr/local/vnc/Xvnc....' manually.

You will probably get an error message at some point.

An other way is to check the error messages produced by inetd. On my
linux box, they are sent to syslog and end in /var/log/messages

2. Java VNCviewer

When you use your browser to connect to your Xvnc, it means you actually
use the java VNC viewer. The problem with Xvnc in Inetd is Xvnc isn't
running permanently to serve HTML files to clients. So you have to write
those pages yourself and put them on a web server.

First, you can try to run this java client by hand :
cd the/directory/with/vncviewer.class/in/it
java vncviewer HOST yourvncbox PORT 5951

and check everything works fine.

Then you can serve this basic htlm page from your vnc box.

some title
<h1>Java VNCViewer</h1>
<APPLET CODE=vncviewer.class ARCHIVE=vncviewer.jar>
<param name=PORT value=5951>

Eric Bourdin
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