I have not seen any other replies than this.  Did I post a bug to the wrong

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Andrew Lyon [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Wednesday, May 23, 2001 7:47 AM
        To:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
        Subject:        RE: CAPS LOCK Bug 

        I get a similar problem, where the caps lock becomes inverted, often
        machine running the winvnc.exe server will have the caps light off,
but it
        will actually be in UPPER CASE mode, pressing the caps lock button
turns off
        caps lock but the caps lock light comes on.

        It really confuses users.


        -----Original Message-----
        From: Jarvis, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent: 23 May 2001 14:37
        To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
        Subject: CAPS LOCK Bug 

        Does anyone know of a problem with the CAPS LOCK?  
        WinVNC and windows viewer V3.3.3r9 

        If the CAPS LOCK is left on in certain applications (WORD97 and
EXCEL97 so
        far) the insertion point behaves as though the shift key is held
down for
        multi-line selection.  You can eliminate the problem by toggling off
the CAP
        LOCK and manually holding the shift key to place the insertion point
        another location.

        This is becoming a more frequent problem with higher usage of the
        room setup (where we have deployed WinVNC)

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