At 01:40 PM 5/11/2001, you wrote:
>I could still be wrong, I haven't done an exhaustive search.  But I think 
>it's worth someone contacting TechNews and asking for a clarification 
>and/or correction.

I'm not sure why - even if they are selling VNC, unless they've made 
changes to a GPLed VNC server or client that they're not making public, 
they're not doing anything wrong. So far as I can tell, there's no 
intellectual property restriction wrapped around the VNC protocol itself, 
so non-derivative works which use the protocol should be perfectly legal. 
As is selling a product with VNC, or which _is_ VNC. The only problem would 
be if they'd refused to make source available after making changes.

At any rate, from scouring their website, my guess is that the reporter saw 
a demo of the technology, one feature of which was using PalmVNC to access 
a desktop machine somewhere. That's a totally legit use, so I don't see 
what all of the discussion is about.


Bryan Pendleton
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