I have succesfully used VNC to view my work computer from home, and now wish
to view one home computer from another. But....

The setup:  two home computers running Windows 98SE connected with Intel's
Wireless Anypoint system.  One of the computers, I'll call it server, is
connected to the Internet through a dialup modem, and acts as the server in
the Anypoint setup.  The other computer is the client.  I have fixed the IP
numbers for both of these machines as suggested buried in Intel's support
help:  XXX....10.1 for the server, and XXX....10.2 for the client.  This
wireless LAN is working fine as far as I can tell.

I run the WinVNC server from the server machine.  When the mouse is placed
over its icon in the system tray it displays the IP number: XXX....10.1  (If
it is connected to the DUN, it also displays the IP number assigned by the
ISP).  Now:  when I run the VNC server from the client machine, it displays
the same IP number: XXX....10.1, even though I can check that it is indeed
set to 10.2 for the wireless adapter.  And when I try to run the VNC viewer
from the client to view the server, it complains about a loopback
connection, thinking I am trying to view itself.

Any suggestions as to what I have setup wrong?

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