I think Warren may be referring to my post to the VNC list a few weeks ago.
I too have experienced this same effect, and have been unable to resolve it
using traditional means (reapply service packs, reinstall VNC, etc.).  If it
isn't a known defect and I can help troubleshoot in any way, please let me
know off-line.  Thanks.

Eben Sutton, Administrative Systems Architect
Univ. of Idaho Finance and Administration
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (208-885-5337)

> As Wez noted, WinVNC3.3.3R9 seems to have a problem
> with multiple processor WinNT 4.0 server running SP6a,
> etc. I have confirmed this. It blows up on
> Multiprocessor WinNT 4.0, but works fine on single
> processor boxes with similar configurations.
> WinVNC3.3.3R7 works fine on either server.

I've never said that WinVNC 3.3.3R9 has problems with multiprocessor
machines.  It certainly shouldn't.  Under what circumstances have you had it
crash on multiprocessors?


James "Wez" Weatherall
- --
          "The path to enlightenment is /usr/bin/enlightenment"
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK                              - Tel : 343000

Eben Sutton, Administrative Systems Architect
Univ. of Idaho Finance and Administration
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (208-885-5337)
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