> Perhaps I should rephrase my question. How do I activate vnc
> service after installation w/o a reboot?

If you're using 9x, I don't think you can, but you can on NT/2000.

If you haven't added VNC as a service: namely gone into the Start 
Menu and run the add service icon.

Go into the command prompt and change dir to the VNC folder 
(default = \program files\orl\vnc).

Type "winvnc -install" (enter) and note any error messages.

Then "net start winvnc" (enter) and then "winvnc -servicehelper" 

If you have set a password under the key "default" in 
hklm\software\orl\winvnc3 then the service should start up and stay 
A common problem is that people set a password as one user and 
forget to set this as the default. This means that the service 
attempts to start, but as no password is set, NT can't start the 
service up.

Hope that helps

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