> In my hunt for memory leeks you may want to look at what I've found.
> // Code to be executed by the thread
> void *vncSockConnectThread::run_undetached(void * arg)
> {
>  log.Print(LL_STATE, VNCLOG("started socket connection thread\n"));
>  // Go into a loop, listening for connections on the given socket
>  while (!m_shutdown)
>  {
>   // Accept an incoming connection
>   VSocket *new_socket = m_socket->Accept();
>   if (new_socket == NULL || m_shutdown) // PJM change do the m_shutdown
> after the accept
>    break;

This modification doesn't remove a leak.  The AddClient function will spawn
a thread to cope with the client, which will quit almost immediately,
freeing the new socket object, when it finds it cannot read from the new


James "Wez" Weatherall
          "The path to enlightenment is /usr/bin/enlightenment"
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK                              - Tel : 343000
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