Hongen Ma wrote:

> We have a LAN via a hub. We set up vnc server on one machine and set it up
> to 5900 via hub administration.  but we failed to access it from outside.
> However,  it can be accessed via internal IP address like ""
> (the local ip address set in the LAN) or just "snoopy" and password. If I
> try the ip address assigned by ISP, I can get access to the host but some
> errors may occur:
> 1.it showed "Initialing screen loading"... and then died.
> 2. the connection droped
> 3. the window on client machine didn't refresh and the mouse seemed to be
> disabled.
> I am not sure if you have encountered the same problems. Any idea???
> Thanks.
> Hongen
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sounds like you have troubles routing the session outside your local Network.

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