Hi guys, can any one help me on this outlook express problem? Here is the

My boss, he has been using Outlook express to access his POP3 email on
PacBell=92s server. Yesterday morning, he booted his computer up and acce=
his mails, there was an alarm about Outlook express said, =93outlook expr=
can not open, because another user not exit outlook, please close the
program first=94. He tried several times; finally he can open outlook exp=
But he found out that his mails from 4/4/01 =96 12/07/00 are gone. Very b=
troubles, he needs these mails back. Since there was no backup tape
installed for his computer. I already back up his profile (he=92s using
windows NT workstation) and import to another outlook express program in
another computer. But those loosing mails are still not recovering. Do yo=
have any Idea what I have to do? I=92m very appreciating for your help.

Phu Nguyen @ Upgrades Unlimited

(408) 773-9655 Ext 25

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