Which version of VNC are you using ?

I know this isn't a solution, but can't you just kill the VNC service by the
task manager and then restart the service ?


Dries Feys -- Software Engineer
TVH forklift parts -- Thermote & Vanhalst NV
Driemasten 120-126 -- B-8560 Gullegem-Belgium
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- URL: http://www.tvh.be
Tel: +32 (0)56 434745 -- Fax: +32 (0)56 434446

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Verzonden: dinsdag 3 april 2001 9:25
Onderwerp: Memory prb with NT4

Hello !

I'm using VNC with some Pcs (servers, workstations in nt4 or 2000), without
any problem. I met with a memory problem on one pc. The OS is NT4 SP4
workstation. VNC server is running as service. Without using VNC, the amount
of memory used by the process "winvnc" is increasing with 3-4 K each 4-5
seconds. After a week-end, for example, the amount of memory used become 80
MB and of course, the PC becomes slow and displays "insufficient memory"
errors. I have to reboot it....

Does somebody know anything about this problem ?


Computer Engineer
Belgian Ministry of Finance

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