I am running VNCserver on a solaris box (2.6) using CDE. When I try to launch
an application from a
PC based VNC viewer, I get
the following error :

-cannot load Xfont <helvb12>

This error message comes from our proprietary application, so it shouldn't be
for others.
But it originates from a call to XLoadQueryFont(Xio.DspPtr, "helvb12")

I have tried with various font paths;
{/usr/openwin/lib/X1/fonts/}[F3,F3bitmaps,Type1, Speedo, misc,75dpi, 100dpi]
but to no avail.
I have also tried having a font server running on my solaris box (xfs on port
6100), in which case I
defined my font path in the vncserver wrapper script:
$cmd .= "-fp tcp/localhost:6100";

It seems that no request is being made to the server, because I have
configured it with an error log, which
remains empty, regardless how many times I try to launch the application.

If I launch the same application from a native window on the solaris box, the
font problem vanishes.

Any clues ? Your help will be appreciated.


Tor Bye Andersen

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