Hi to everyone,
I want to find out if we can use VNC for one of our applications. So I have
installed a VNCviewer on my Windows CE platform (StrongARM prozessor with
206MHz and 32MB RAM). But the remote functions seems to be very slow on a
Windows CE platform because changing of the whole screen takes up to 10
seconds and more.
If I run the VNCviewer on a regular PC, VNC works well.
I'm running the VNCserver on a MS Windwows NT4.0 Workstation. The ethernet
connection is stand alone - only the Server and the handheld.
I've already tried some hints from the FAQ (e.g. using 8-Bit Colour, VGA
Resolution), but they don't really bring much.
Does anyone have experience with VNC on a Windows CE device and can give me
some hints for a faster reaction ?
Best regards
Conrad Eicher
Application Engineer
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