>it up? Doubt it. Is there a free, easy-to-use Windows FTP server, along
>the lines of NetPresenz for the Mac? Again, doubt it. BTW, even
>NetPresenz is shareware.
>- --------------------------------------------------------------
>from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
>mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not for attachments)
Yup. There is one that i use all the time called a-ftp.exe (one file).
Originally used as a covert ftp server, (It only shows up in task manager)
is extremely simple to use.
Run a-ftp.exe on the client machine.
Login to the client using any ftp program.
enter any login and password
full access to the entire computer...
If anyone would like a copy of this closed-source program, please email me.
It's saved me tons of time.
Steven V.
Central Service Association
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