"Kevin M. Hilscher" wrote:
> Thanks Dave,
> Now I am presented with the applet login. However, now when I login it
> gives me the following error message:
> com.ms.security.SecurityExceptionEx[rfbProto.<init>]: cannot connect to
> ""
> Here is the HTML code. Keep in mind that the this HTML file is on a
> separate web server, which is not the VNC server.
> <APPLET CODE=vncviewer.class ARCHIVE=vncviewer.jar
> WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=600>
> <param name="HOST" value="">
> <param name="PORT" value="5900">
> <param name="Encoding" value="Hextile">
> <param name="Use CopyRect" value="Yes">
> <param name="Mouse buttons 2 and 3" value="Normal">
> <param name="Raw pixel drawing" value="Reliable">
> <param name="CopyRect" value="Fast">
> <param name="Share desktop" value="Yes">
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Kevin
An applet can only connect back to its origin host. The origin host is
where the applet-code is located. It doesn't matter where the
html-document is located (you can also load it from a local
file-system). So you could just set the codebase to your vnc-servers
Good luck!
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