well, that's fine for simple text, or i guess if u wanted to
use uuencode or even hex...but really that's hardly a robust
solution.  i mean, sure it can be done, but i'd think it
would be easier to just split the file using a simple
utility and email the pieces.

my question was meant for large folders of small to large
sized files.  cutting and pasting via the clipboard wouldn't
be practical....thanks tho...

----- Original Message -----
From: "James ''Wez'' Weatherall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 10:41 AM
Subject: File Transfer

> For what it's worth:
> I rather like the clipboard method of file transfer.
Writing a simple pair
> of "send" and "receive" programs to put files onto the
clipboard in a
> standard format and pick them back off would be useful in
other situations,
> wouldn't be overly complicated (UUencode could almost do
the job) and would
> neither "pollute" the VNC binaries nor the protocol.
> Cheers,
> James "Wez" Weatherall
> --
>           "The path to enlightenment is
> Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel
: 766513
> AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK                              - Tel
: 343000
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