If he went with the install rpm from the redhat install the applets are in
simply vi the vncserver and fined the Classes line ( / and then Classes -
then type I to edit the line to /usr/share/vnc/classes and the esc, :wq to
write and quit - of course make sure all instances are done and if it says
its write protected used :wq!) then you are good to go
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joseph A. Knapka
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 11:23 AM
To: wtonetwork.com
Subject: Re: Question on Vnc
> "wtonetwork.com" wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> I learn from Vnc news that you have encounter the problem of
> the following case.
> When I make connection to VNC server via browser applet (
> http://x.x.x.x:5801 )
> Error occured and here is the log file
> httpd: get ''
> httpd: defaulting to 'index.vnc'
> httpProcessInput : open: No such file and Directory
> Is the problem related with apache?
No, Apache is not involved in this interaction. Your browser is
talking to the mini-HTTP server embedded in the VNC server, and
it cannot find the files it needs in order to deliver the
Java viewer applet to your browser. You will need to install
the HTML and JAR files included with the VNC distribution in
the proper directory. I don't know offhand where that is
(might be /usr/local/vnc/classes), but if you carefully read the
VNC installation instructions they should tell you what you need
to know.
-- Joe
> Have your encounter similar problems and how do you solve it?
> I am using Redhat 7.0(kernel 2.2.16) with apache-1.3.12-25
> Thanks
> Bryan Wu
-- Joe Knapka
"It was just a maddened crocodile hidden in a flower bed. It could
have happened to anyone." -- Pratchett
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