Hi, I ran into a situation where I was viewing a double wide monitor on a single wide screen (on Windows 2000). The scroll bars would not allow me to grow the window height to get rid of the vertical scroll bar. I always had to scroll up or down that last 1/4". I modified the viewer source to correct this, and at the same time separated the visibility of the two scroll bars. See the attached source. Mods are marked with //kk. On the negative side, there is something wrong with the scaling code with this modification, and I will not have time to look at it. It may have something to do with the window size being bigger that it is supposed to be while the scroll bars are being turned on or off. Karl [demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had a name of ClientConnection.cpp] [demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had a name of ClientConnection.h] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------