Question (before the long drawn out explanation)
How can I make my VNC session look JUST like what happens when I do start X
in Red Hat 7 w/ Ximian Gnome ?
(and quick prefix - yes I tried gnome-session & which brought me up just an
X cursor)
Long story:
I have been using WinVNC for quite some time but I have finally managed to
get a linux box up and running and I knew the easiest thing to do would be
put VNC on it. Got it installed and working wonderfully however the default
window manager is NOTHING like what I am used to - sawfish (formally
sawmill) and ximian gnome (formally helix code, helix gnome). I changed my
xstartup to this
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
However when that starts I get some very weird things that requires me
1: killing the panel (which then brings up the borders around the xterm that
were not there nor on anything before)
2: starting panel again from the xterm (if I do it in any other - every time
I click on a panel menu - panel shows up in programs running)
3: running gmc which is the gnome graphical file manager - this gives me
icons on the desktop
If I stop there I have no background image (a good thing for modems - but
since its local vnc only I like to have it - call me crazy) - however if I
run the gnome config tool which lets me pick my background - the background
draws fine and all is good until I close the vnc viewer. At which point if
I try to reconnect after I insert the password, the viewer closes. The java
viewer just returns an error. If I don't let the background display - I can
close and reopen the viewer fine.
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