Hi Mac,

> > This sounds similar to the problem I came to the list with
> > recently.  The answer seemed to be that vncviewer can't display on
> > an X server that's 24-bpp when it isn't padded to 32-bpp;  a bit
> > puny if you ask me but I haven't the tuits to do anything about it.
> > 
> > Use xdpyinfo on the X display you are trying to run vncviewer on
> > and see what it says about the visuals, depth, masks, etc.
> Are you having problems with vncviewer itself, or with a program that
> is being run on the remote machine through VNC?  The error message
> sounds like an application that is overly restrictive in its
> expectations of the X server.  If this is the case, what application
> is exhibiting this problem?

Are you asking me or the original poster?

In my case it is vncviewer that is `overly restrictive in its
expectations of the X server'.  Hence it can't cope with 24 bpp packed
into only three bytes.  And my card hasn't enough memory for
1280x1024x24 at four bytes per pixel.

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