Hi VNC experts! Need some help!!
Trying to access vnc servers behind firewall using the internet.
This is the general setup:
Small tcp/ip network windows 95,98 and win nt server.
Network behind dsl router acts as the firewall. Router is the dhcp server. NT server
and clients configured to automitically aquire tcp/ip address.
The dsl router is a cayman 3220 browser configurable.
Internal network setup:
Router -- 192.xxx.xxx.254 (dhcp server)
Server win nt -- 192.xxx.xxx.xx1
Subnet ----- 192.xxx.xxx.254
client1 ----- 192.xxx.xxx.xx2
Same subnet
client2------ 192.xxx.xxx.xx3
Same subnet
client3 ------ 192.xxx.xxx.xx4
Same subnet
Dsl router open ports setup:
Configured router to open ports 5800....... and 5900.....
192.xxx.xxx.xx1 tcp 5800 5800
192.xxx.xxx.xx1 udp 5900 5900
192.xxx.xxx.xx2 tcp 5801 5801
192.xxx.xxx.xx2 udp 5901 5901
192.xxx.xxx.xx3 tcp 5802 5802
192.xxx.xxx.xx3 udp 5905 5902
Internally I can use VNC and access any computer using a browser.
Our network can be accessed from the outside with ports opened for pcanywhere.
We share the dsl router for internet access. Local ISP provided us with a public tcp
ip address and a subnet ip address. The dsl routers subnet address is not the same as
the internal subnet address.
This is what I do. From external compuer connect to internet go to browser enter:
Get: "The page cannot be displayed" error
Any advise is greatly appreciated!
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