Has anybody created an rfb server which presents a video feed?
A superficial search on the vnc site doesn't yield one.

It's not clear to me that rfb is best suited to that purpose, but
vncviewer has advantages as method for a few people to join into
a video feed of (say) a lecture or other one-presenter-a-few-watcher
situations.  In particular, the viewer is ubiquitous, doesn't require
your network and associated router to support multicasting, and
the effective frame rate can be different for different viewers
(or... could be if the server were carefully written enough)
hence better adaptation to narrow bandwidth or high latency
and/or jitter.

I suppose one could simply display any application that displays a live
video feed on a pc or Xvnc...  I've even done that sometimes.
But there are limitations and poor behaviors involved in that. 

I also realize (as I said) there are a zillion better formats for 
streaming video and rfb isn't really tuned for the purpose; but 
like I also said (but wish to reinforce), the concept seems 
to have some advantages.

Any thoughts?

Wayne Throop   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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