----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph A. Knapka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: mapping a remote drive

> David Rothman wrote:
> >
> > is SSH with win 2000 really a practical solution for the
> > 'simple' task of file xferring when ftp is an available
> > option, or am i missing something?
> >
> SSH is practical. It's justified if you want security;
> transferring files via FTP is completely insecure.

insecure how?  easy to break into the system the server sits
on (regardless of whatever security the server software has
enabled)?  easy to intercept files while they r being
xferred?  can u be more specific?

> I thought the desire was to share a SMB network drive
> across the internet when there are firewalls in the way,
> in which case you will absolutely need some form of
> port-forwarding or VPN. The secure port-forwarding
> solution is SSH. Forgive me if I misunderstood the
> original question.

in my situation (using win 2000 pro behind netgear rt311
routers), it's enuf to forward ports (which is what i do for
VNC).  im not quite sure how to setup SSH under windows.
actually im still confused about the differences between
VPN, IIS and SSH - but im working on it...

> -- Joe Knapka
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