Under a *nix server and Windows client, I've found the best combo is using
24 bits per pixel, not modifications to polling or anything.
j----- k-----
At 01:26 PM Tuesday 2/13/2001 -0800, you allegedly said:
>I'm using VNC/MacOS Viewer and a Windows server under Win2000. We've
>fooled around with the various polling checkboxes (VNC PC
>Server>Properties) in an effort to boost responsiveness of the PC through
>the MacOS viewer...without causing the screen to either not paint/refresh,
>or causing those tiny squarish refreshes on mouse movements. If anyone
>could provide some guidance in this regard I'd be grateful.
>Bart Windrum
>Technical Presentation Coordinator aka MultiGuy
>Diogenes Inc.
>720 904 2321 x125
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Joshua J. Kugler
Computer Consultant--Web Developer
.--- --- ... .... ..- .- -.- ..- --. .-.. . .-.
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and
under the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!
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