I am having trouble getting vncviewer on Red Hat 6.2 to connect to vncserver
on Red Hat 7.0. (Also I can not get the reverse to work.)
I have no trouble getting the RH 6.2 computer to 'vnc' to another RH 6.2
computer and the RH 7.0 computer will 'vnc' to itself.
When attempting to connect from the RH 6.2 computer to the RH 7.0, the
vncserver log file does not make any entries. Here is the command line from
the Red Hat 6.2 computer:
$ vncviewer -encodings "copyrect hextile" bubba:7
vncviewer: VNC server closed connection
(note this is NOT the same as not connecting:
vncviewer -encodings "copyrect hextile" bubba:8
vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused
Unable to connect to VNC server
Both computers are using vnc compiled from vnc-3.3.3r2_unixsrc.tgz and the RH
7.0 computer does have the RH glibc and gcc rpm updates.
Any suggestions on getting the connection up and running would be appreciated.
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