If you want a real "killer" release, add a remote installer for NT/2K boxes.
Most remote control software offers this option by copying the files to the
remote comuter administrator shares, modifying the registry remotely, and
starting the service remotely.
Steve Bostedor
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of W. Brian Blevins
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 10:11 AM
To: Tridia General List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ATT Email
Subject: [ANN] TridiaVNC 1.4.0 publicly available
Tridia is proud to announce the public availability of TridiaVNC
release 1.4.0. This version contains all of the enhancements added
to the TridiaVNC product during 4Q 2000. You may obtain this release
-> Free Download
Following are the release notes documenting the updates contained in
this version since the last public release (1.2.2):
******************* THE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE FOR: *****************
********************* TridiaVNC Version 1.4.0 ********************
[WIN32] 16-Jan-2000: Windows Updates
- TridiaVNC 1.4.0 certified on Win32 platforms.
[LINUX INTEL, AIX, HPUX, SOLARIS] 16-Jan-2000: Unix Updates
- TridiaVNC 1.4.0 certified on Unix platforms.
******************* THE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE FOR: *****************
********************* TridiaVNC Version 1.3.3 ********************
[WIN32] 7-Dec-2000: Windows Updates
- Added registry flag to cleanly disable the tray icon on all
platforms and in all modes without affecting other settings.
The default is "0" and indicates that the tray icon should not
be disabled. A value of "1" will suppress the tray icon for
all users.
- Added "BeepConnect" and "BeepDisconnect" registry flags to sound
the default system beep upon a successful VNC connection and/or
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\Default\BeepConnect DWORD "0"
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\Default\BeepDisconnect DWORD "0"
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\<user>\BeepConnect DWORD "1"
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\<user>\BeepDisconnect DWORD "1"
- Accept dialog appears only after the remote user has provided
the necessary password.
- Added "QueryAccept" registry flag to allow the accept dialog
to default to accepting connections after the time-out expires
with no user input.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\Default\QueryAccept DWORD "0"
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\<user>\QueryAccept DWORD "1"
The default is to reject connections when the accept dialog
times out, which is the same as a setting of "0". A setting
of "1" will allow the incoming connection after the time-out
expires. The local user can still reject the connection
before the timeout.
- Fixed authentication dialog bug where the cancel button failed
to exit the program. Also limited the authentication retries
to three attempts, after which the viewer exits.
- Upgraded installers to InstallAnywhere 3.5 Enterprise. This
provides enhanced support for WinNT 5.0 (aka. Win2000) and
[LINUX INTEL, AIX, HPUX, SOLARIS] 7-Dec-2000: Unix Updates
- Upgraded installers to InstallAnywhere 3.5 Enterprise.
******************* THE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE FOR: *****************
********************* TridiaVNC Version 1.3.2 ********************
[LINUX INTEL, AIX, HPUX, SOLARIS] 15-Nov-2000: Unix Updates
- Added Tim Waugh's "-interface ifaddr" command line option to the
Xvnc server to specify the interface on which the server should
listen for RFB connections. Note that X connections are still
accepted from all interfaces.
- Added TrueType font support to the Xvnc server from the xfsft
project. Providing a new tool called "mkfontdir" to help build
font directories containing TrueType font files. Added
fonts.scale and encodings files to distribution to aid in the
preparation of font directories.
- Integrated all AT&T 3.3.3r2 updates. Provides "vncconnect"
tool to send a display from the unix server.
- Fixed core dump in hextile and zlibhex on RISC systems when
a 32 bit (or 16 bit) connection is requested.
******************* THE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE FOR: *****************
********************* TridiaVNC Version 1.3.1 ********************
[WIN32] 26-Oct-2000: Windows Updates
- Added desktop optimizations upon initial VNC connection from
Jeremy Peaks with many updates. The following registry entries
turn on the optimizations:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\OptimizeDesktop REG_SZ "Yes"
disables all four: full window drag, font smoothing,
wallpaper and pattern
disables desktop pattern
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\DisableWallpaper REG_SZ "Yes"
disables desktop wallpaper
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\DisableFontSmoothing REG_SZ "Yes"
disables desktop screen font smoothing
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\DisableFullWindowDrag REG_SZ "Yes"
disables desktop full window updates during drags
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\ResHeight REG_SZ "#pixels#"
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\ResWidth REG_SZ "#pixels#"
when present together, gives new resolution to enable
upon VNC connection
Please note that there is a bug which prevents pattern disabling
from working on WinNT 4.0 and 5.0 (Win2k) currently. Note also,
these are *string* values, not the usual DWORDs used elsewhere
in the WinVNC server.
[LINUX INTEL, AIX, HPUX, SOLARIS] 26-Oct-2000: Unix Updates
- Added Tim Waugh's updates to the iXvnc patch.
- Added the "-nolocalcursor" option to the vncviewer to optionally
disable the local "dot" cursor.
- Integrated Andre Moriera's iXvnc patch. The TridiaVNC Xvnc
server can now be launched from inetd, using the "-inetd"
command line parameter.
******************* THE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE FOR: *****************
********************* TridiaVNC Version 1.3.0 ********************
[LINUX INTEL, AIX, HPUX, SOLARIS] 17-Oct-2000: Unix Updates
- Applied Tim Waugh's patch to resolve the password dialog bug
uncovered on RedHat 7.0.
- Made the zlib compression level configurable on the vncviewer
command line "-compresslevel #".
- Added tight 1.1 encoding from Constantin Kaplinsky to vncviewer
and Xvnc server.
- Added zlibhex encoding to vncviewer and Xvnc server.
- Removed minor extra raw tile copy in hextile encoder.
- Modified unix viewer to default to shared session.
[WIN32] 17-Oct-2000: Windows Updates
- Made the zlib compression level configurable in the vncviewer
options dialog.
- Added tight 1.1 encoding from Constantin Kaplinsky to vncviewer
and WinVNC server.
- Added zlibhex encoding to vncviewer and WinVNC server.
- Resolved an installer problem where the Online help shortcut was
not being created properly.
- Removed minor extra raw tile copy in hextile encoder.
- Modified win32 viewer to default to shared session.
[JAVA] 17-Oct-2000: Java Viewer Updates
- Added zlibhex encoding to java viewer.
- Fixed keyboard focus to automatically be in password field.
- Modified java viewer to default to shared session.
TridiaVNC, the cross-platform, open source, remote control solution.
http://www.TridiaVNC.com/ and http://www.developVNC.org/
Java VNC Server Demo:
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See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html