>We are working on a first version of a product based on VNC that is
>adapted for classroms.
>It will take some features like a Multicast protocol.
>I'm sorry to say that for now, it will be a spanish-windows-only version.
>Is there anybody working on something similar??
>Anybody working/talking about multicast for VNC?
I'm not working on such a thing, but, if you're doing it for
"Spanish-only", it shouldn't be too terribly hard to back/cross port. I'd
probably be interested in doing some of that.
While I'm piping up - any one of you out there who are working on session
recording software working on the ability to record sessions either at the
client, or in a way that handles listen-mode sessions? I'm interested in
being able to do that, but I've noticed that the only workable solution I
can find (rfbproxy) takes things the wrong way. I know it shouldn't take
too much tweaking of rfbproxy to make it work, but I really haven't read up
much on RFB yet....
Bryan Pendleton
ICQ: 2680952
Phone: (877)780-3087
"The root of all knowledge lies within, but knowledge is useless unless it
is collected and shared."
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