James ''Wez'' Weatherall wrote:
> > Currently if someone wishes to print from an application running in a VNC
> > session, the printer must be visible to the computer running the VNC
> server
> > (and the server also probably needs to have a driver for that type of
> > printer). If the user is behind a firewall or does not want to make their
> > local printer visible to the entire net, then they are forced to print to
> a
> > file on the server, transfer that file to their local machine, and then
> > print it.
> Perhaps you could configure the print output on the server to "print to
> file" (I assume this is an option under Unix, too), and have a process
> watching the directory such output was printed too. The process, on seeing
> a new file, would then transfer the data via the VNC connection and have it
> printed at the other end.
What if you don't have write permission on that drive. Also some
applications get a bit arsy and loose the working directory if you print
to another folder. Also what about security? Just because user fred
created this file, does not mean that this print file was intended for
this instanciation of fred. Much better to have a print daemon that
understands these things. On mac/Win the problem vanishes as there is
only one user at any particular time.
Simon Dales, Publication Software Engineer
"The impossible is easy"
Nuffield Press Ltd., 21 Nuffield Way, Abingdon, Oxford, OX14 1RL,UK
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