Not everyone has the luxury of time to read the entire FAQ from beginning
to end before attempting to use the product.  Since search tools are
provided on the page, many users will choose to use them.  Part of the
problem may be in the tools themselves.  Here is a real example based on
Mr. Hickel's query:
1] access VNC home page: ""
2] use "search" widget on left
3] use the "search the VNC web pages and documentation form, enter "hide"
and "logo"      search terms
4] this indeed returns the FAQ (" ")
5} access the FAQ by Navigator 4.08, Edit|Find in Page for terms "hide" and
6] results: "Search string not found"
7] results for "hide" or "logo" separately duplicate this failure
8] one notes that the FAQ item uses the terms "task bar" and "get rid of",
not "logo" and "hide".  Hmmmm.
9] use the "search the VNC web pages and documentation form, enter "get rid
of" and "task bar" search terms.  Results:  "no matches were found".
10] in the same form, reduce search terms to "task bar".  Result: 1 match
returned: ""  (not even the

Now, I'll allow that better results might have been unearthed by searching
the digest, as well, but that wasn't the gist of the responses in this
thread, and, in practice, this has produced mixed results for me.  I've
been monitoring this list for about 1 month.  When I began testing VNC for
my employer, I searched through the FAQ and the digest for some items of
interest without conspicuous success.  Rule #1 in user support is to
duplicate the user's situation as closely as possible.  In this instance,
that means using the same tools that the user is likely to employ to search
the documents to which he is directed.  I do not believe that was done by
the respondents.  Is it any wonder that basic questions recur on this list
when the use of the search tools can be this unproductive?   How much more
frustrating would the scenario outlined above be for an individual whose
command of the English language leaves much to be desired?  I also believe
that the single most effective way to improve the signal to noise ratio on
this list (from the point of view of a "digest" subscriber) would be to
convince posters to use a little better judgement and selectivity in
quoting previous messages in responces.  I've seen most of a digest issue
consumed with 1 response to a long thread that was nested at least 4 levels
deep.  This is even more counterproductive when exacerbated by the
repetition of excessively long footers (as others have noted) or code
fragments.  I tend to agree with those who have suggested that the list
could benefit from segregation into "help" and "development" topics.

John Wilson wrote:
>> SORRY, but my question "to hide the VNC logo... "
>> is NOT in the FAQ ... i did not see it
>> If I saw it of course I would not asked the VNC list ..!!

Scott A. Miller, Mgr IS Support
Unimin Corporation
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