-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Morris, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2000 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion
Steve Bostedor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] makes the silly arguement:
> You're asking the other guy to sift through technical
> manuals and FAQs for his answer, it doesn't seem consistent
> that you are not willing to do the same.
There is an asymmetry here. Asking people to look for obvious answers before
wasting bandwidth is not the same as expecting the givers of help to sift
through wasted bandwidth just because they want to contribute to and
participate in real constructive discussion. If you want those who know the
answers to questions to hang around and answer questions it behooves you not
to waste their time.
We are not all the same here. There are givers of help and getters of help.
It is reasonable to ask the getters to jump a small hurdle when they want a
favor. It is reasonable for the givers to ask that their volunteer time not
be wasted unnecessarily. It is reasonable to expect the askers for help to
do a little work for the free help they get.
The person who gives charity is not the same as the person asking for
charity. This distinction is often missed by people asking for charity.
I ALWAYS try to do the expected sifting before I ask for help on a mailing
list. I expect all other supplicants to do the same. I believe this is
completely consistant.
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