I've had good results running vnc on various unix hosts at work and
displaying on windows NT.  My results on my home LAN (linux server,
win98 client) have been much less good.  At times the screen becomes
very unresponsive.  A common symptom is that I "lose the mouse". When I
move the mouse, a small white dot moves around the screen, but the mouse
pointer stays in the same place on my vncviewer screen.  After a while
it "comes back".

I am running on fairly decent hardware: the win98 client running
vncviewer is a PIII/600 with a Matrox G200 card.  The linux machine
running vncserver is an AMD K6-2/450.  When I look at CPU usage on both
machines, I see no correlation to my performance problems.  My network
is based on a linksys 100M switch, so it's not hideously slow.

I'm at a loss to figure out what's causing my problem.  I _am_ running
KDE 2.0, but I have this problem even if I revert to fvwm!

Any suggestions?  Thanks.

- Rob
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