Hi guys sorry to have to mail you directly but the mail lists have not yet answered my request. I'm tying to run a dos application via dosemu with vnc and it uses video mode 0x12. When it runs I get the following error from my dosemu, (The problem is not with dosemu as it works fine in a normal X window ) ERROR:X: No graphics modes supported on this type of screen ERROR:X: X_setmode: video mode 0x12 not supported on this screen Is there any way around this with VNC?. I have used Graphon's Gojoe java X Windows package and Tarantella and they support the video mode. see www.graphon.com and www.tarantella.com Hope someone can help me! Regards Allan Gee Equation 021 4181777 082 6513355 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------