It's your video driver, not vnc.
I had the same problem with some new fangled 'super smart' intel drivers that 
we're going to save the planet by turning off the video if there was no screen 
detected. A bit of a problem is a server rack with 8 or more machines.

Remove the 'super-smart' video driver and use the default mickeysoft driver.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 25 Nov, 2013, at 6:17 pm, "Alex" <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I use RealVNC Enterprise 4.6 server on Windows 7 SP1 x64 and I would need
> to run it without display connected to PC.
> At first when I disconnected the screen from graphics card (PCIe card) I
> had no problem, but after a reboot it doesn't work.
> I can connect to the VNC server remotely but the client window is
> completely black. Although I can interact blindly and see a trail cursor
> sometimes.
> As I was reading RealVNC requires a screen to keep active graphics card. *Is
> there no chance of working without a display?* Such as installing a
> "virtual screen"?
> It is impossible for me to connect a display now, and otherwise I'll have
> to stop using RealVNC.
> Thanks for your help,
> Alex
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