> > This patchset follows a discussion in the mailing list [1].
> >
> > This fixes only part of the bug, rings with less than 4 entries won't
> > work.
> Why the difference?
Because the RING_SIZE < 4 case requires much more adjustments.

* We may need to squeeze the virtio header into the headroom.
* We may need to squeeze the GSO header into the headroom, or block the 
* At the moment, without NETIF_F_SG, we can receive a skb with 2 segments, we 
may need to reduce it to 1.
* We may need to change all the control commands, so class,  command and 
command specific data will fit in a single segment.
* We may need to disable the control command and all the features depending on 
* We may need to disable NAPI?

There may be more changes..

I was thinking that it may be easier to start with the easier case RING_SIZE >= 
4, make sure everything is working fine, then send a follow up patchset with 
the required adjustments for RING_SIZE < 4.
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