On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 3:25 AM Si-Wei Liu <si-wei....@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 12/21/2021 11:54 PM, Eli Cohen wrote:
> > On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 11:29:36PM -0800, Si-Wei Liu wrote:
> >>
> >> On 12/21/2021 11:10 PM, Eli Cohen wrote:
> >>> On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 09:03:37AM +0200, Parav Pandit wrote:
> >>>>> From: Eli Cohen <e...@nvidia.com>
> >>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 12:17 PM
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>>> --- a/drivers/vdpa/vdpa.c
> >>>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/vdpa/vdpa.c
> >>>>>>>> @@ -507,6 +507,9 @@ static int vdpa_mgmtdev_fill(const struct
> >>>>>>> vdpa_mgmt_dev *mdev, struct sk_buff *m
> >>>>>>>>                err = -EMSGSIZE;
> >>>>>>>>                goto msg_err;
> >>>>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>>> +      if (nla_put_u16(msg, VDPA_ATTR_DEV_MGMTDEV_MAX_VQS,
> >>>>>>>> +                      mdev->max_supported_vqs))
> >>>>>>> It still needs a default value when the field is not explicitly
> >>>>>>> filled in by the driver.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Unlikely. This can be optional field to help user decide device max 
> >>>>>> limit.
> >>>>>> When max_supported_vqs is set to zero. Vdpa should omit exposing it to 
> >>>>>> user
> >>>>> space.
> >>>>> This is not about what you expose to userspace. It's about the number 
> >>>>> of VQs
> >>>>> you want to create for a specific instance of vdpa.
> >>>> This value on mgmtdev indicates that a given mgmt device supports 
> >>>> creating a vdpa device who can have maximum VQs of N.
> >>>> User will choose to create VQ with VQs <= N depending on its vcpu and 
> >>>> other factors.
> >>> You're right.
> >>> So each vendor needs to put there their value.
> >> If I understand Parav correctly, he was suggesting not to expose
> >> VDPA_ATTR_DEV_MGMTDEV_MAX_VQS to userspace if seeing (max_supported_vqs ==
> >> 0) from the driver.
> > I can see the reasoning, but maybe we should leave it as zero which
> > means it was not reported. The user will then need to guess. I believe
> > other vendors will follow with an update so this to a real value.
> Unless you place a check in the vdpa core to enforce it on vdpa
> creation, otherwise it's very likely to get ignored by other vendors.
> >
> >> But meanwhile, I do wonder how users tell apart multiqueue supporting 
> >> parent
> >> from the single queue mgmtdev without getting the aid from this field. I
> >> hope the answer won't be to create a vdpa instance to try.
> >>
> > Do you see a scenario that an admin decides to not instantiate vdpa just
> > because it does not support MQ?
> Yes, there is. If the hardware doesn't support MQ, the provisioning tool
> in the mgmt software will need to fallback to software vhost backend
> with mq=on. At the time the tool is checking out, it doesn't run with
> root privilege.
> >
> > And it the management device reports it does support, there's still no
> > guarantee you'll end up with a MQ net device.
> I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean it may be up to the guest feature
> negotiation? But the device itself is still MQ capable, isn't it?

I think we need to clarify the "device" here.

For compatibility reasons, there could be a case that mgmt doesn't
expect a mq capable vdpa device. So in this case, even if the parent
is MQ capable, the vdpa isn't.


> Thanks,
> -Siwei
> >
> >
> >> -Siwei
> >>
> >>>> This is what is exposed to the user to decide the upper bound.
> >>>>>> There has been some talk/patches of rdma virtio device.
> >>>>>> I anticipate such device to support more than 64K queues by nature of 
> >>>>>> rdma.
> >>>>>> It is better to keep max_supported_vqs as u32.
> >>>>> Why not add it when we have it?
> >>>> Sure, with that approach we will end up adding two fields (current u16 
> >>>> and later another u32) due to smaller bit width of current one.
> >>>> Either way is fine. Michael was suggesting similar higher bit-width in 
> >>>> other patches, so bringing up here for this field on how he sees it.
> >>> I can use u32 then.

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