> +       if (desc->features & LGUEST_NET_F_NOCSUM)
> +               dev->features |= NETIF_F_NO_CSUM;

Any reason why you're using NO_CSUM here instead of HW_CSUM?
Practically there is no difference but NO_CSUM could be treated
differently in future and I'm not sure whether such changes would
be desirable in this driver (i.e., not even generating a partial

Also, there doesn't seem to be any passing of metadata to the
backend which means that neither NO_CSUM/HW_CSUM can work if
somebody needs to look at the checksum field.  You could use
IP_CSUM if you do the same hack on the backend that Xen does.
Otherwise you'll have to make do with no checksum offload at all.

I think you'd also need a change_mtu function if the SG feature
is going to be of some use since the default Ethernet one limits
the MTU to 1500.

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