On 2024-08-05 19:04, Mario Marietto wrote:

I'm also interested in writing a script to manage the bhyve vms. Even if I suspect that my approach will be different. My idea is to ask the user what he wants to do and then the script will configure the vm getting the information provided by the user. I will give a look at /etc/rc.d/bhyve,but I don't think I will study cirrina,it seems very complicated.

To avoid misunderstandings:

/etc/rc.d/bhyve is not meant to 'manage' bhyve(8) VMs in the sense of configuring bhyve(8) or the host which runs the guest operating system.
It's just to start/stop already defined VMs at boot time.
Managing VM's means utlizing $EDITOR /etc/bhyve.d/yourvm.cfg to me.

bhyve_config(5) is what /etc/rc.d/bhyve relies on and where the VM config happens.

cirrina seems to be a completely different tool.
From the page:
»Only UEFI boot is supported, no bhyveload.«
Another showstopper for me:
»./cirrinactl switch set-uplink -n bridge0 -u em0«
(I never use if_bridge(4) for HyperVisor networking)

All you can do with /etc/rc.d/bhyve is
  service bhyve start [vmname] [...]
  service bhyve stop [vmname] [...]
and expect to have all VMs running after rebooting, which you wrote a config file for and placed it into /etc/bhyve.d/


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