Hi all, today I've learned and been reading about VETHER(4). Virtual ethernet interface on FreeBSD, wanted to try it for my VMs networking.
My VMs currently are networking through vm-vmswitch with a set of private IP block; (PF - NAT involved); # vm switch list NAME TYPE IFACE ADDRESS PRIVATE MTU VLAN PORTS vmswitch standard vm-vmswitch no - - - My question is; Is it possible to not use any virtual switch at all, but create a vether0 on the host, and assign it private IPs and aliases (thinking each alias IP would be for each VM of mine), and make VMs communicate with each other host machine through vether0 and its IP aliases? In order to try these all above, on my OpenBSD VM, I; Added in its conf file: network0_device="vether0" Started it, defined it's static IP as; (vether0 alias), and gateway as (vether0 IP). That didn't work. Any clue? Regards.