> On 15 Jan 2022, at 11:29, Aryeh Friedman <aryeh.fried...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to develop a OS completely from scratch, i.e. starting with the first 
> instruction encountered after POST and everything above it (mostly for fun).
> I want to use bhyve to do this any tips on how to get started (I have found a 
> few tutorials on how to do the asm part of a MBR but that's about as far as I 
> have gotten).
> -- 
> Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer, http://www.PetiteCloud.org 
> <http://www.petitecloud.org/>

as the saying goes: 
        'there are many ways to skin a cat’
so this is what I did (still fresh since it was done only some weeks ago)

I’m using vm-bhyve, so you will need sysutils/vm-bhyve and probably 

step 0:
        decide where you want vm to store it’s stuff, I’m using a ZFS volume 
                zfs create h/vm
                echo vm_dir=zfs:h/vm >> /etc/rc.conf

    vm init

        cp -p /usr/local/share/examples/vm-bhyve/* /h/vm/.templates/
    not really needed but you get some ideas.

    this is needed if we want to do 'service vm start’:
                echo vm_enable>>/etc/rc.conf

step 1:
        if you will need networking:
        vm switch create public (or any other name)
        vm switch add public some-network-interface
        eg: vm switch add public bge0

step 2:  if client is not diskless, it will need a disk, again I opted for a 
ZFS volume
        zfs create -sV 4G h/root.bhv0
        gpart create -s GPT  /dev/zvol/h/root.bhv0
        gpart add -t efi -s 64M -l efi /dev/zvol/h/root.bhv0
                note: tried to make it smaller but got into trouble with 
        gpart add -t freebsd-ups -l root.bhv0 /dev/zvol/h/root.bhv0
        mount -t msdosfs /dev/gpt/efi /mnt
        mkdir -p /mnt/EFI/BOOT
        cp -p /boot/loader.efi /mnt/EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.efi

step 3:
        vm create bhv0

        now cd to  vm_dir and edit bhv0/bhv0.conf 
        this is my file:

you can now try and boot - at least UEFI part should work since there is no 
root partition yet.
        vm start bhv0
you can get the console with ‘vm console bhv0’, and check the logs in 

all this should get you started, good luck


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