When there is no special "agent"/"helper" are installed in the guest, can't 
VirtManager still support pasting text by sending those as key strokes, just 
like Vmware Workstation? 

I know that not all text can be converted to key strokes, such as Asian 
letters, but surely, it can be done for common alphanumeric text like a to z, 1 
to 0, !,@,#, etc, because there already is "Send Key" menu that can send things 
like "Ctrl+Alt+F8"? I mean, for example if the user copies 
"http://www.google.com";, and the clicks "Send Key -> Clipboard" in 
VirtManager's guest OS window menu, VirtManager can send keys like h, t, t, p, 
:, /, /... etc, can't it? This will be very helpful when there is no special 
guest agent is available, like when installing an OS.

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