On the original problem :
Its possible I had the files in the wrong directory when I tried originally so 
possible libvirt being present had nothing to do with anything / getting it 
I had copied them to  /etc/libvirt/qemu/qemu - at some point I moved them all 
up to  /etc/libvirt/qemu but can't be sure if I checked then and got same 
result and then installed lbvirt or some other sequence of events.
Anyway - still have problem with opening qemu:///session.

    On Monday, 10 October 2022 at 15:02:50 BST, Cole Robinson 
<> wrote:  
 On 10/8/22 9:36 AM, Bob Power wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm moving "stuff" to a new machine. (Rocky 8.4 to Alma 8.6)
> I have been using virt-manager on the old machine.
> I want to open virt-manager on the the new machine and see what I saw on
> the old machine - the connections and list of VMs under those connections.
> I have copied everything under /etc/libvirt/qemu over but no joy.
> The man pages (man virt-manager) do not list any files.
> Can anyone give me a list of file paths used by virt-manager when it
> starts up to populate the GUI

virt-manager's connection list is stored in dconf. But it's probably not
worth trying to transfer that over, instead manually `File->Open
Connection` and recreate the list.

If once connected to local qemu:///system your VMs aren't showing up,
and you copied over /etc/libvirt/qemu files, you may need to restart
libvirtd or virtqemud (or reboot). The proper way to do this would have
been `sudo virsh dumpxml $VMNAME > $VMNAME.xml` on the source and then
`sudo virsh define $VMNAME.xml` on the dest.

- Cole


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