Hi all;

I installed the following today :

qemu-kvm libvirt virt-install bridge-utils  virt-manager libvirt-devel virt-top libguestfs-tools guestfs-tools

I followed this guide to install virt-manager and a bridged network.

I used virt-v2v to convert a VMware image :

# virt-v2v -i vmx /data/vmware/Fedora35-Wynnbet/Fedora35-Wynnbet.vmx  -o local -of qcow2 -os /data/kvm/Imported/Fedora35-Wynnbet

Then I edited the resulting xml file (/data/kvm/Imported/Fedora35-Wynnbet/Fedora35-Wynnbet.xml)

and I commented out the network interface (the VMware one):

        <!-- <interface type='network'> -->
      <!-- <source network='ethernet0'/> -->
      <!-- <model type='virtio'/> -->
      <!-- <mac address='00:0C:29:0B:53:5E'/> -->
    <!-- </interface> -->

Next I added the new vm to virt-manager:

# virsh define /data/kvm/Imported/Fedora35-Wynnbet/Fedora35-Wynnbet.xml

It worked, I started the vm from virt-manager, logged in and used virt-manager to create a new interface.

Now I have 2 issues:

1) I cannot get it to resize the VM with the window, the *View -> Scale Display -> Auto Resize VM with Window *option is greyed out

2) the VMware vm was setup with a PPTP based VPN, but in the converted kvm / virt-mananger vm the vpn will not connect, it simply says an error occurred.

Thanks in advance

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