On 2/12/19 9:55 PM, Kyle Marek wrote:
> On 2/11/19 9:18 PM, Alex Williamson wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Feb 2019 20:39:07 -0500
>> Kyle Marek <pspps...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2/10/19 8:59 PM, Kash Pande wrote:
>>>> On 2019-02-10 5:25 p.m., Kyle Marek wrote:  
>>>>> When I quit in the QEMU monitor, the image stays on the screen, and no
>>>>> further host dmesg output is produced.
>>>> You must do a full reset in the guest.  
>>> Hmmm... other cards (GTX 780, GTX 1060), are reset when quitting from
>>> the monitor, so I don't have to rely on a graceful guest shutdown to
>>> avoid rebooting my host.
>> NVIDIA cards reset properly from a bus reset.
>>> Do I need to wait for a reset quirk to be implemented for my card to
>>> reset on quit/boot? It shouldn't be a condition to usage that the guest
>>> needs to gracefully shutdown for the card to not get stuck.
>> Don't hold your breath.
> Good news! Radeon VII resets on guest start, but quitting QEMU from the
> monitor leaves the card rendering its BIOS character buffer (test case
> is quitting during SeaBIOS).
> When do PCI bus resets happen?
> Hopefully it also resets on VM start if I ever get a BIOS update with an

Successfully resets on EFI VM start with the EFI BIOS update applied.

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